Is That Corn Crop Worth More as Silage or Grain?

Aaron Berger, Nebraska Extension Beef EducatorGalen Erickson, Nebraska Extension Beef Feedlot Specialist There are three points in time where corn silage is often priced: standing in the field, packed in the silo, and delivered in the bunk. Photo credit Troy Walz. Ongoing dry and drought conditions in many parts of the state are supporting hay and forage prices as we look towards this fall. Perennial dryland hay production in many parts of Nebraska…

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Kansas Forest Service: Tip dieback on trees may not be permanent

Kermes scale is a small insect that is often mistaken for small bumps on a tree. Tip dieback caused by the insect may not have any lasting impacts on the tree’s overall health. Trees will rebound from environmental stressors that cause tip dieback on trees, official says MANHATTAN, Kan. – Branch tip dieback, a progressive death of twigs and branches, can be worrisome to see on oak trees in summer, as these long-lived…

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