Check Alfalfa for Blister Beetle Activity

Patrick Wagner SDSU Extension Entomology Field SpecialistAdditional Authors: Amanda Bachmann,Philip Rozeboom,Adam Varenhorst Blister beetles are becoming more common as we progress through the growing season. Recently, there have been multiple reports of blister beetles showing up in alfalfa fields. The larvae of these beetles are beneficial because they feed on grasshopper eggs. However, the adults feed on the leaves and blossoms of plants, including alfalfa, and contain a toxic chemical called cantharidin. They can…

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Be Safe and Smart Around Silage

Tracey Erickson SDSU Extension Dairy Field Specialist Corn silage making season will soon be upon us. It is important to take the time to communicate with employees proper protocols while making silage, along with safe practices around silage piles or silos. A few years ago, I had the privilege to travel with Keith Bolsen, professor emeritus for Kansas State University, for the I-29 Moo University Winter Workshops as we discussed forages. Dr. Bolsen…

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