Adding Value to Cull Cows

Stephen Boyles, OSU Extension Beef Specialist Approximately 10 to 20 percent of the returns to a cow-calf operation are from selling cull cows in the fall. There are four factors that need to be considered to obtain profit from feeding cull cows. First, the cows have to be thin but healthy. Second, the buy/sell margin should be positive. Third, cost of gain should be relatively cheap. The odds of a profit are increased…

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K-State vets: Watch for summer respiratory condition in calves

A close grouping of calves is one of the risk factors for pre-weaning pneumonia. K-State vets: Watch for summer respiratory condition in calves Experts discuss risk factors and treatment options for pre-weaning pneumonia MANHATTAN, Kan. — When talking to ranchers about cattle health concerns in the summer, fly control and pinkeye will often come to mind, but one condition that can lead to calf death is pre-weaning pneumonia. “Research has shown that pre-weaning…

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