Creep Feeding Calves

Steve Niemeyer, Nebraska Extension EducatorTravis Mulliniks, UNL Beef Cattle Nutritionist, Range Production Systems The cost of the gain from creep feeding has to be less than the value of the gain to be a profitable nutritional strategy. Photo credit Steve Niemeyer. Keeping a tight grip on feed costs is a priority for every beef producer. Creep feeding calves can be a good return on investments in certain situations. Maintaining the calf’s efficiency at…

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How Important Is Water Quality to Livestock?

Robin Salverson SDSU Extension Cow/Calf Field Specialist Water is the most important nutrient to all livestock animals and is sometimes overlooked. Poor quality water can have a negative effect on growth, reproduction, and general productivity of the animal. In some cases, death could occur within days or hours after consumption of contaminated waters or water deprivation. Therefore, continuous monitoring of water quality and quantity are important to maintain a productive livestock program. What…

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