Crop Residue, Cover Crops Impact on Soil Health Parameters

David Karki SDSU Extension Agronomy Field Specialist Additional Authors: Anthony Bly Written collaboratively by David Karki, Anthony Bly, Sandeep Kumar and Shannon Osborne. Interest in no-till and cover crops has been on the rise among South Dakota (S.D.) crop producers. In 2019, half of S.D. crop ground was under no-till management and about 900,000 acres were planted to cover crops (U S.D.S-NRCS). Growers have indicated that improvement in soil health is one of…

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Protein Supplementation Options With Grazing Cattle

Adele Harty SDSU Extension Cow/Calf Field Specialist Additional Authors: Ken Olson COVID-19 and the energy economy has had a dramatic negative impact on the ethanol industry, resulting in limited availability of corn distiller’s grains. This has changed availability and pricing of protein feeds. As cow/calf producers consider how this affects their feed purchases currently and into the future, there are some key points to consider and evaluate. In South Dakota grazing operations, many…

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