Cracking the case on rural well water

By Gail Ellis  STILLWATER, Okla. – For rural residents who rely on their own wells for household use, testing is often the only line of defense in protecting families and animals from unsafe drinking water. Individual well systems that populate Oklahoma’s rural landscape can potentially run dry, become contaminated from a flood or nearby septic system, or contain harmful levels of nitrates and minerals. Oklahoma State University Extension supports research conducted by faculty and scientists at the Oklahoma…

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Record Beef Exports During August

Josh Maples, Assistant Professor & Extension Economist, Department of Agricultural Economics, Mississippi State University The latest estimates for beef trade were released last week by USDA ERS. These estimates included data for the month of August. Beef exports set a record during August 2021 and were 21 percent higher as compared to the same month a year ago. Beef exports totaled 324.5 million pounds during August which is the largest monthly total on record for…

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