Mesonet weather program benefits Kansas farmers

State meteorologist says local weather information is free By Shelby Varner, K-State Research and Extension news MANHATTAN, Kan. -- Anyone who has ever lived in Kansas knows that the weather can change quickly, a fact that Chip Redmond thinks makes the Kansas Mesonet especially valuable in the state. Redmond, a meteorologist and manager of the Kansas Mesonet, said the program is working to continue spreading its multiple resources across Kansas for citizens. He…

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OSU Extension offers Halloween safety tips

By Trisha Gedon STILLWATER, Okla. – When children dress up as their favorite superhero, princess or goblin, they likely have one thing on their mind: trick-or-treating and filling their candy container to the brim. But parents know there’s more to celebrating the holiday than choosing a costume and ringing neighborhood doorbells. Taking precautions ensures Halloween is both fun and safe, said Gina Peek, Oklahoma State University Extension housing and consumer specialist and interim associate dean. “The…

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