K-State experts offer advice on how to make the most of the relationship with the banker

K-State experts offer advice on how to make the most of the relationship with the banker MANHATTAN, Kan. — Anyone who has ever participated in a group sport knows that the most successful teams are the ones where the players and coaches communicate well and recognize that the athletes each possess unique talents that can benefit the team. In much the same way, ranchers who assemble a team of experts to include a…

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Fall is a great time to add trees to the landscape

By Trisha Gedon STILLWATER, Okla. – The fall season is a great time to decorate the landscape with pumpkins and mums or to take a leisurely drive to check out the changing colors of the leaves on the trees. It also is a good opportunity to plant new trees and shrubs. “Some people may prefer to postpone planting until after the first of the year, but fall offers some advantages to getting those…

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