Grass Tetany: Now Is the Time to Prepare

Adele Harty SDSU Extension Cow/Calf Field Specialist The warmer spring temperatures have been a welcome reprieve from the cold experienced across the region in 2019. With warmer temperatures and significant soil moisture, ranchers need to be proactive in mitigating grass tetany risk. Cool season grasses are beginning to green up, posing a risk for cows with young calves. As the temperatures continue to increase, cool season grasses, such as crested wheatgrass will grow…

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2020 Animal Ag Alliance Stakeholders Summit set for May 7-8 goes virtual

March 24, 2020 – The Animal Agriculture Alliance announced today that its 2020 Stakeholders Summit is going virtual in response to ongoing public health concerns around hosting large events. The Virtual Summit, still being held May 7-8, will include the same exciting speaker lineup that was planned for the in-person event with sessions covering sustainability, animal welfare, influencer engagement, preparing for animal rights activist campaigns and other hot topics. “The Alliance team has been closely…

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