Nighttime Feeding, Daytime Calving

No matter when you calve your spring-calving herd, it is a good reminder to change the feeding schedule for part, if not all, of the spring-calving cow herd. It is generally accepted that adequate supervision at calving has a significant effect on reducing calf mortality. Saving every calf is always important to the bottom line, but takes on additional urgency when profit margins are narrow. On most ranching operations, supervision of the first-calf…

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CattleFax Cow-Calf Survey Provides Valuable Data

CattleFax is conducting its annual Cow-Calf Survey, sponsored by Crystalyx. Information requested in the survey provides participants and the rest of the industry with valuable data regarding industry benchmarks and trends. The survey takes 20 to 30 minutes to complete and can be accessed by clicking here. The survey will be open from January 7 to February 21. All individual results will be confidential and remain anonymous. Those choosing to participate in the…

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