First step in marketing; Identify an endpoint!

Dr. Andrew Griffith, Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Tennessee I have been asked to do a program early next year that focuses on step-by-step marketing. At first thought this would seem extremely elementary to most readers and maybe it is to some. However, my experience has been that many producers who have been in the cattle business for decades do not even consider that every decision they make…

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Hay, just how bad is it?

Ted Wiseman, and Dean Kreager Extension Educators in Perry and Licking County Much of Ohio’s 2019 first cutting grass hay was beyond optimum maturity when it was harvested. Laboratory analysis indicates little if any first cutting has adequate quality to meet the nutritional needs of bred cows in late gestation or lactation. You may be thinking enough already with the hay quality talk. Many articles have been sent out on this topic starting…

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