USDA Using Flexibility to Assist Farmers, Ranchers in Flooded Areas

WASHINGTON, D.C. August 15, 2019 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Risk Management Agency (RMA) today announced it will defer accrual of interest for all agricultural producers’ spring 2019 crop year insurance premiums to help the wide swath of farmers and ranchers affected by extreme weather in 2019. Specifically, USDA will defer the accrual of interest on spring 2019 crop year insurance premiums to the earlier of the applicable termination date or…

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A Powercat with Precision

Farmer uses agricultural technology to plant image of popular K-State logo KISMET, Kan. – Folks across the country find all kinds of ways to celebrate their favorite universities and sports teams. This summer, Rocky Ormiston may have just out-done them all. The co-owner of Ormiston Farms used precision agriculture technology to plant a hybrid of corn in the shape of the Kansas State University Powercat, which -- at 2,000 feet wide -- is…

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Secretary Perdue Statement on Japan Agreement

(Washington, D.C. August 25, 2019) – U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue issued the following statement regarding the new trade agreement between the United States and Japan: “Japan is a significant market for United States agriculture exports, making today a good day for American agriculture. By removing existing barriers for our products, we will be able to sell more to the Japanese markets. At the same time we will able to close gaps…

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