OSU wildfire experts available

Oklahoma State University Extension specialists are available to discuss the weather and environmental conditions that have put the state in a heightened state of fire risk.

Citing extended dry weather, warm temperatures, low humidity and high winds, the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry recently announced a high risk of wildfires across the state. The department’s regularly updated Fire Situation Report started the week with the state’s preparedness level already at 3 on a 1-5 scale.

John Weir, OSU Extension fire ecology specialist, can discuss some of the causes that have led to this situation, as well as how to respond to fires and reduce risk in the future. Weir can be reached at 405-780-0036 or at John.Weir@okstate.edu. He is available for Zoom teleconference interviews.

Dwayne Elmore, OSU Extension specialist for wildlife management, can discuss seasonal conditions, the impact of fire on wildlife habitats and prevention efforts. Elmore can be reached at 405-744-9636 or at Dwayne.Elmore@okstate.edu. He is available for Zoom teleconference interviews.

Additionally, tips and strategies from OSU experts on how to deal with wildfire emergencies are available online through OSU Extension. For example:

Use a zone defense to protect the home from wildfires

Include pets in emergency evacuation plans

Be “firewise” before the next disaster

July, August and September this year were significantly drier than their long-term averages for the state, according to Mesonet data, creating plenty of fire fuel even though October saw higher average rainfall.