American International Charolais Association Celebrates Remarkable Growth of CharAdvantage Feeder Calf Program

KANSAS CITY, Missouri – The American International Charolais Association (AICA) is thrilled to announce the unprecedented success and substantial growth of the CharAdvantage Feeder Calf Program, solidifying the Charolais breed’s reputation as a top choice for cattle producers and feeders across the nation.

Since its inception, the CharAdvantage Feeder Calf Program has witnessed remarkable expansion, showcasing the rising demand for Charolais genetics within the cattle industry. This growth can be attributed to several key factors:

  1. Premiums for Cow-Calf Producers: The CharAdvantage Feeder Calf Program has consistently rewarded cow-calf producers with premium prices for their Charolais-influenced calves. These premiums reflect the exceptional marketability and desirability of Charolais genetics in the beef industry.
  2. Reliability of Charolais Genetics: Charolais cattle are renowned for their reliability in producing high-quality, efficient, and profitable calves. Producers have come to trust the breed’s superior genetics, which contribute to healthier, more marketable cattle that produce more pounds at weaning.
  3. Cattle Feeder Preference: Cattle feeders nationwide place immense value on Charolais-influenced cattle in the feedyard. The breed’s ability to efficiently convert feed into high-quality beef, along with their exceptional growth rates and superior carcass characteristics, make Charolais cattle a preferred choice for feedlot operators.

“The CharAdvantage Feeder Calf Program’s growth is a testament to the Charolais breed’s notoriety for crossing well with numerous breeds by adding performance and value within the beef industry,” stated Dr. Clint Rusk,  EVP of the American-International Charolais Association. “We are proud to support our breeders in delivering top-notch genetics that contribute to the success of cow-calf producers, feeders, and the entire beef supply chain.”

The CharAdvantage Feeder Calf Program’s ongoing expansion highlights the enduring appeal of Charolais cattle and the commitment of AICA to promoting excellence in the industry. The association remains dedicated to fostering innovation, genetic progress, and profitability for cattle producers nationwide.

For further information about the CharAdvantage Feeder Calf Program and the American International Charolais Association, please visit

Media Contact:

Brett Spader, Livestock Launch

(785) 633-5512