OSU researchers help sustain long-time gigging tradition | Oklahoma State University (
OSU researchers help sustain long-time gigging tradition | Oklahoma State University (
Lions in Kansas? It’s possible, but rare, says K-State wildlife expert
Video: Implications of the Lesser Prairie Chicken listing as endangered species (
K-State researchers on the lookout for southern flying squirrel
Protecting home landscape from deer | Oklahoma State University (
Controlling Birds Around Farm Buildings (
Monarch butterflies facing battle royal for survival - AgriLife Today (
Researchers seek ways to reduce deer populations in urban areas (
By Alisa Boswell-Gore STILLWATER, Okla. – Oklahoma State University scientists launched a five-year project this year to study the state’s wild turkey population. The number of turkeys in Oklahoma has steadily declined over the past 15 years, and there are a variety of factors that could be contributing to the problem, according to Colter Chitwood, assistant professor of wildlife ecology in the OSU Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management. “This is part of a…
By Gail Ellis STILLWATER, Okla. – The world’s fascination with honey bees is linked to a population decline during the past decade that threatens the production of fruit, nut, forage, vegetable and other crops that rely on pollination. The permanent disappearance of pollinators would be detrimental to society. Researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture report not only bees but also wasps, butterflies, other insects and birds are all responsible for pollinating more than 100…