Grazing Corn Stalks or Corn Residue?

Brad Schick, Nebraska Extension Educator Grazing corn residue can be very beneficial to the cow and the producer’s bottom line. Photo credit Troy Walz. There are 8 lbs of grazable dry matter per bushel of corn.Leaf and husk make up 39.6% of the dry matter in corn residue.Intake on corn residue fields will be close to 2% of bodyweight.Check questionable fields for excessive corn before grazing. Having corn stalks to graze is a…

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Fencing & Water for Beef Cattle

Steve Niemeyer, Nebraska Extension Educator Basic grazing infrastructure for livestock includes fencing, water, and a method of controlling grazing activity. Photo credit Steve Niemeyer The goal of any grazing operation is to introduce the cow or calf to forage in adequate quality and quantity for their needs.  A majority of cattle operations in Nebraska use pasture or native range for grazing during the growing season and crop residues or harvested purchased feed for…

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Cautions for Cattle Grazing Frosted Forages

Troy Walz, Nebraska Extension Educator Photo credit Troy Walz. When some forages are frosted, the potential for bloat, toxicity, and nitrates may increase for grazing cattle. Bloat When grazing alfalfa in the fall, bloat remains a potential problem, especially during the first three to five days after alfalfa has been exposed to freezing temperatures. In general, the risk of bloat will be minimal only after a significant portion (about 50-70 percent) of the…

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Assessing Temperament in Cattle Using Chute Score – New Learning Module

Jamie T. Parham, former UNL Graduate StudentRonald M. Lewis, UNL Professor Animal Breeding & Genomics Temperament in cattle is often evaluated using a common six-point chute scoring system. Temperament is an animal's behavioral response to handling by humans, or to any potentially fearful situation. Since these reactions are often linked with stress, they have negative effects on production and profitability. Because of its impact on pregnancy rates, growth, meat quality, and safety, producers…

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Don’t risk abortions this winter: Double check your cow herd vitamin A supplementation plans

Mary Drewnoski, Nebraska Extension Beef Systems Specialist This year, cow liver stores of vitamin A going into winter in areas affected by drought, may not be sufficient to meet the cow’s needs. Photo credit Troy Walz. Pasture mature and brown early due to drought? If so, then don’t forget to make sure you are supplementing enough Vitamin A. Green grass has a lot of vitamin A. In fact, cows typically build up stores…

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Overgrazing Pastures

Brad Schick, Nebraska Extension Educator Make sure to monitor pastures and have back-up plans if pasture condition begins to decline. Photo credit Troy Walz. Fully utilizing a pasture doesn’t mean it should look like a golf course. If good grass is seen in the pasture when moving to another pasture, that is usually a good thing; that’s proper management. Even during drought or drier years, management can be done well. Trying to push…

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Selecting Replacement Heifers Based on Birth Date and Age of Dam

Aaron Berger, Nebraska Extension Beef Educator Photo credit Aaron Berger. Two research studies at the University of Nebraska by Dr. Rick Funston, beef reproductive physiologist at the West Central Research and Extension Center, suggest that the key information needed to identify heifers most likely to be successful as replacements is known the day the heifers are born. The 2012 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report “Effect of Calving Period on Heifer Progeny” (PDF 140KB) and…

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Selecting and Developing Replacement Heifers

Aaron Berger, Nebraska Extension Beef Educator Bred heifers are valuable and represent the future of your herd. Photo credit Aaron Berger. Fall is the time of year when many cow-calf producers make their replacement heifer selections and begin planning for the development of those heifers into bred females. The following are tips for selecting and developing replacement heifers. Selection The following are suggestions for replacement heifer selection from Dr. Jim Gosey, Beef Specialist…

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Keeping an Eye on Body Condition in Fall Calving Cows

Karla H. Wilke, UNL Cow/Calf Systems and Stocker Management While body condition is critical for all lactating cows going into the breeding season, this is especially important for the fall calving cow. Photo credit Troy Walz. With much of the eastern and western borders of Nebraska in a drought, producers with fall calving cows need to be especially mindful of body condition on fall calving cows. In Nebraska, most fall calving herds actually…

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Keep it Tight; Store Hay Right

Brad Schick, Nebraska Extension Educator Ben Beckman, Nebraska Extension Educator No matter the type of forage, a tight, well-made bale is the best way to reduce the risk of storage loss. Photo credit Troy Walz. Setting the Stage  Even before storing, producers can give hay a better chance to make it from the field to the cow with as little loss as possible. Baling at correct moisture levels will lead to proper curing…

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