What to do with High Nitrate Forage?

Mary Drewnoski, Nebraska Extension Beef Systems Specialist Drought stressed forages can be high in nitrates and may be potentially toxic to cattle. Photo credit Troy Walz. Listen to a discussion of the content in this article on this episode of the BeefWatch podcast. You can subscribe to new episodes in iTunes or paste http://feeds.feedburner.com/unlbeefwatch into your podcast app. Given the drought conditions in some locations this year, many producers may be asking themselves how to handle the annual…

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Impact of Higher Grain Prices on Feedlot’s Decision to Feed Distillers Grains

Elliott Dennis, Livestock Marketing and Risk Management Economist Galen Erickson, Nebraska Extension Beef Feedlot Specialist Photo credit Troy Walz. Listen to a discussion of the content in this article on this episode of the BeefWatch podcast. You can subscribe to new episodes in iTunes or paste http://feeds.feedburner.com/unlbeefwatch into your podcast app.The historical demand from China and domestically low stock-to-use ratios has led to the most recent run-up in grain prices. The direct impact of higher grain prices is…

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Beware of Stocking Rate Creep

Aaron Berger, Nebraska Extension Beef Educator T.L. Meyer, Nebraska Extension Educator Larger cows eat more, and if an operation is running the same number of cows today for the same amount of time on the same amount of rangeland as 10 or 20 years ago, the stocking rate has increased. Photo credit T.L. Meyer. Listen to a discussion of the content in this article on this episode of the BeefWatch podcast. You can subscribe…

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Tips for Managing Free Choice Mineral Intake

Mary Drewnoski, Nebraska Extension Beef Systems Specialist Ensuring that cattle are getting enough mineral without overconsuming can be a struggle. Photo credit Troy Walz. Listen to a discussion of the content in this article on this episode of the BeefWatch podcast. You can subscribe to new episodes in iTunes or paste http://feeds.feedburner.com/unlbeefwatch into your podcast app. Free choice mineral mixes are commonly used to provide the mineral that grazing cattle need. However, ensuring that cattle are getting enough…

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Where are your priorities and How does your operation stack-up to the competition (Benchmarking)?

Matt Stockton, Nebraska Extension Ag Economics Specialist Randy Saner, Nebraska Extension Educator This summary looked at 31 commercial beef cow-calf operations with 100 or more cows. Photo credit Troy Walz. Benchmarking a cow-calf operation by comparing it to other similar operations provides producers a tool to look at ways they can improve their businesses. This summary looks at 31 commercial beef cow-calf operations with 100 or more cows. The information comes from the…

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Pasture and Forage Minute: The Right Stocking Rate

Ben Beckman, Nebraska Extension Educator Proper stocking depends on two factors, animal intake and pasture productivity. Photo credit Troy Walz. Stocking pastures with the right number of animals is one of the cornerstones of proper grazing management.  It’s tempting to take the easy route and keep using the same rate year after year.  After all, if it’s not broke, why fix it?  But over time, could this approach do more harm than good? …

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Controlling Horn Flies on Pastured Cattle

Dave Boxler, Nebraska Extension Educator Understanding the horn fly’s habits, life cycle, impact control methods and products will help design an effective control program. Photo credit Dave Boxler. With temperatures starting to warm, fly season is not far away, and now is the time to evaluate your 2021 horn fly management plan. Was your fly management program successful last year? If the answer is no, what were possible factors that might have directed…

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The Role of Water Intake in Rumen Development of the Nursing Calf

Water intake is important in the nursing calf because it prevents dehydration and promotes rumen development. Photo credit Karla Wilke. Listen to a discussion of the content in this article on this episode of the BeefWatch podcast. You can subscribe to new episodes in iTunes or paste http://feeds.feedburner.com/unlbeefwatch into your podcast app. Calving season is wrapping up for some producers, in full swing for others, and just getting started for others. While the focus is definitely on making…

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Management Strategies for Minimizing Early Pregnancy Loss

Rick Funston, Nebraska Extension Beef Cattle Reproductive Physiologist Managing cows and heifers to be on a positive plane of nutrition at the time of breeding is essential for the establishment of pregnancy. Photo credit Troy Walz. As we approach the breeding season, cows and heifers are faced with a variety of stressors from the metabolic pressure of providing for a calf to changes in environment. Stress during early pregnancy is well documented to…

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Mineral and Vitamin Considerations When Drylotting Cows

Mary Drewnoski, Nebraska Extension Beef Systems Specialist Karla H. Wilke, UNL Cow/Calf Systems and Stocker Management A good mineral program does not have to be expensive, nor is cost correlated with effectiveness. Photo credit Karla Wilke. Managing cows in a drylot can be a way to maintain the herd when forage production is reduced due to drought or as a part of a system when pasture is unavailable for other reasons. When cattle…

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