Winter Supplementation of Beef Calves – When Supplementation Doesn’t Pay
Winter Supplementation of Beef Calves – When Supplementation Doesn’t Pay | UNL Beef
Winter Supplementation of Beef Calves – When Supplementation Doesn’t Pay | UNL Beef
Valuing Corn Stalk Bales | UNL Beef
Returning to the Farm or Ranch | UNL Beef
What to Consider When Selecting Replacement Heifers | UNL Beef
Elliott Dennis, Livestock Marketing and Risk Management Economist Photo credit Troy Walz. Listen to a discussion of the content in this article on this episode of the BeefWatch podcast. You can subscribe to new episodes in iTunes or paste into your podcast app. Current Market Situation Domestic red meat demand and corn prices are two current drivers of the fed cattle market. The historical corn purchases from China, reduced planted corn acreage in the U.S., and poor…
How Far is too Far to Transport Cows to Winter Cornstalks? | UNL Beef
Aaron Berger, Nebraska Extension Beef Educator Identifying where value is being created and costs are occurring can show where opportunities exist to change and improve the profitability of the ranch business. Photo credit Troy Walz. For many ranch operations multiple enterprises are a part of the overall business. In addition to the cow-calf enterprise, land is owned, replacement heifers are developed, hay is harvested, and often, yearlings are wintered and grazed through the…
Jesse Fulton, Extension Educator, Director of Nebraska Beef Quality Assurance There are several important factors that should be considered when cattle are being transported. Photo credit Troy Walz. With fall upon us, many producers are beginning to plan shipment of this year’s calf crop or moving cattle from summer pasture to crop residues, fall/winter pastures, or to a dry lot. Each and every year, millions of head of cattle are transported from point…
Aaron Berger, Nebraska Extension Beef EducatorMary Drewnoski, Nebraska Extension Beef Systems Specialist Cattle prefer and will select the grain as well as leaves and husk first which tend to be lower in nitrates. Photo credit Troy Walz. Cornstalk residue is a tremendous resource for fall and winter grazing; however, this year care needs to be taken in grazing drought stressed cornstalks due to the potential of high nitrates in the feed. Cattle prefer…