Grass Tetany/ Hypomagnesemia –Start Preventive Measures Now

Dr. Michelle Arnold, Ruminant Extension Veterinarian, University of Kentucky Veterinary Diagnostic Lab; A special thanks to Dr. Jeff Lehmkuhler for his contributions to this article. What is “Grass Tetany” and when are cattle most likely to have it? Grass tetany, also known as spring tetany, grass staggers, wheat pasture poisoning, winter tetany or lactation tetany, is a condition resulting from a low level of magnesium (Mg) in the blood. Maintenance of blood magnesium depends…

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Access for All aims to boost access to Kansas extension programs

State’s agents help to bring programs that fit local community needs, learning styles MANHATTAN, Kan. – An official with Kansas’ extension network says that recent efforts to provide more equitable and accessible programs to local residents will likely be felt throughout the state. Aliah Mestrovich Seay, a 4-H youth development specialist for community vitality, noted that K-State Research and Extension recently formed Access for All, a committee that will provide education and support…

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K-State studies effects of transporting cattle on prices paid at auction

MANHATTAN, Kan. – Kansas State University researchers have completed a large study of 211 livestock video auctions, analyzing the sale of more than 60,000 beef calf and feeder cattle lots to determine the effect of trucking distance on sale price of the calves. The K-State team accessed data indicating the sale price of 42,043 beef calf and 19,680 feeder cattle lots sold through Superior Livestock Auctions from 2010 through 2018. Then, they analyzed…

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Cattle Chat: Cattle care in the cold

Providing extra hay and feed may be needed on extremely cold winter days to help cattle meet their energy requirements. | Download this photo. When temperatures plummet, cattle may need additional shelter and feed resources for optimum health MANHATTAN, Kan. — After working outside on a cold winter’s day, cattle producers know there is nothing quite like coming inside to a warm house and filling their stomachs with those favorite comfort foods. And though…

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Weather patterns increase risk of Kansas wildfires, officials say

The Kansas Forest Service is among the agencies that assist in responding to wildfires in the state and around the country. The photo above shows KFS Engine 44 helping during the Pine Gulch Fire in Colorado last year. Kansas Forest Service prepping for busy spring MANHATTAN, Kan. – A swing to drier weather patterns and higher winds this spring is likely to increase the risk of wildfires in parts of Kansas, according to…

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Preliminary agenda of sessions and speakers available February 1, 2021 – Registration is now open for the Animal Agriculture Alliance’s 2021 Virtual Summit, themed Obstacles to Opportunities. Celebrating the 20-year anniversary of the event, the Alliance’s Stakeholders Summit brings together thought leaders in the industry to discuss hot-button issues and out-of-the-box ideas to connect everyone along the food chain, engage influencers and protect the future of animal agriculture. The 2021 event is set primarily…


PLC Welcomes Opportunity To Show Biden Administration, Ranchers Are The Original Conservationists

WASHINGTON (Jan. 27, 2021) – The Public Lands Council (PLC) Executive Director Kaitlynn Glover, today released the following statement in response to the Biden Administration issuing executive orders that involve climate change and land conservation: “Public lands ranchers truly are the original conservationists and their carefully-managed grazing programs are designed to facilitate healthy cattle and sheep, while also supporting sustained landscape health. As the Biden Administration develops a plan to achieve their goal…

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Cryptosporidiosis – Frequently Asked Questions

Dr. Michelle Arnold, UK Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory What is “cryptosporidiosis”? Cryptosporidiosis, also known as “crypto”, is a disease primarily seen in calves due to a protozoan parasite, Cryptosporidium parvum or C. parvum for short. In its “clinical” or visible form, calves have profuse, watery diarrhea that can lead to dehydration and death. It generally affects calves from newborns up to 6 weeks of age but older animals may be asymptomatic shedders. There are no effective treatments or…

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U.S. Department of Agriculture Announces Key Staff Appointments

WASHINGTON, Jan. 21, 2021 — The U.S. Department of Agriculture today announced the names of individuals who will hold senior staff positions in Washington, D.C. David Grahn was named Principal Deputy General Counsel in the Office of General Counsel. Most recently, Grahn served as the Director of the Office of Regulatory Policy at the Farm Credit Administration. Before that, he served for almost 27 years in the Office of the General Counsel at USDA.…

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Cattle Chat: Breeding tips for fall calving cows

K-State experts emphasize the importance of housing and good ground for wintertime breeding MANHATTAN, Kan. — While icy winter mornings can be slick for people to walk, they can also present a risk for bulls breeding fall-calving cows, said Beef Cattle Institute veterinarians Bob Larson and Brad White during a recent Cattle Chat podcast “Cattle need to have solid ground to walk on in the wintertime, especially if they are on a natural service…

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