Overall Top Angus Sires

N Bar Emulation EXT ranks No. 1 overall in Angus breed for registrations. The American Angus Association closed out the 2021 fiscal year Sept. 30. Overall top sires by registration are as follows: Top 10 Overall Angus Sires by Registration RankingNameNo. of Calves1N Bar Emulation EXT56,4652Bon View New Design 87853,7183Mytty In Focus48,7844Pine Drive Big Sky40,2855S A V Final Answer 003538,3336Bon View New Design 140738,0167G A R Predestined37,6708S A V 8180 Traveler 00435,0229S S…

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Gear up for fall home energy management

By Trisha Gedon STILLWATER, Okla. – Given the unpredictability of Oklahoma weather, homeowners may still be running air conditioners and fans for several more weeks. However, energy management adjustments should begin now. Nearly half the energy used in the home goes to heating and cooling, said Gina Peek, Oklahoma State University Extension housing and consumer specialist and interim associate dean. “Making smart decisions regarding your home’s heating and cooling system can have a big impact on…

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Commercial Creep-feeding?

Why creep-feeding rarely pencils out for commercial cattlemen. by David Lalman, Oklahoma State University Occasionally the question of whether creep-feeding is a cost-effective practice comes up. The simple answer for commercial cow-calf operations is “not in most circumstances.” This is particularly true for spring-calving operations. Calf weaning weights can be increased anywhere from about 20 pounds (lb.) to 80 lb. However, in most cases, the value of added weight gain will not cover…

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OSU news release: Summer landscapes prone to bagworm, webworm infestations

By Gail Ellis   STILLWATER, Okla. – In Rogers County, Billy Clark stood in his pecan orchard surveying the thousands of bagworm sacks hanging from tree branches. Bagworms and webworms are a common sight on trees and other plants in late summer, but why they are more prominent in certain years is a mystery. One is mostly harmless to host plants while the other can be quite destructive.  Clark spoke recently on Oklahoma State University’s SUNUP television show about…

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22nd K-State Beef Stocker Field Day scheduled for Sept. 30

Event will provide practical information to help producers make decisions in today's dynamic beef industry. MANHATTAN, Kan. – What has worked and what to see in the future, beef cattle outlook, starting newly arrived calves on feed, and the comparison of multiple castration methods in stocker cattle are among topics planned for 2021 Kansas State University Beef Stocker Field Day on Thursday, Sept. 30. The conference will be hosted at the KSU Beef…

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Watch for signs of pneumonia in dairy cows

By Donald Stotts  STILLWATER, Okla. – Oklahoma’s unusually mild summer is heating up and drying out, bringing with it the need to watch for signs of summer pneumonia in adult dairy cows.  The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service research indicated pneumonia is responsible for 11% of all deaths in adult dairy cows, said Dr. Barry Whitworth, Oklahoma State University Extension veterinarian and food animal quality and health specialist.  “Say ‘summer pneumonia’ and…

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