Antimicrobial stewardship a vital element of livestock operations

By Donald Stotts  STILLWATER, Okla. – Every livestock producer’s to-do list for February should include an in-depth review of his or her operation’s antimicrobial stewardship program, according to Oklahoma State University Extension recommendations.  Since the introduction of antimicrobials in the 1940s, illness and deaths in both people and animals from infectious diseases have been greatly reduced. However, given that these drugs have been used so widely for so long has resulted in bacterial…

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Understanding parturition a risk management tool for cow-calf operations

By Donald Stotts  STILLWATER, Okla. – A review of the stages of parturition can help lessen anxieties of cow-calf operators and protect producer investment in their animals during the upcoming calving season, said Oklahoma State University Extension experts.  There are three stages to parturition. It is not unusual for stage one – the dilation of the cervix – to occur completely unnoticed, but stage two – delivery of the newborn – and stage…

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Review information about Johne’s Disease prior to calving season

By Donald Stotts  STILLWATER, Okla. – The approaching calving season has more than a few cattle producers cautiously looking for colostrum or colostrum replacers, given what they already know about Johne’s Disease, said Oklahoma State University experts.  In many cases, it works like a game of connect-the-dots:  Cow-calf operators realize they may have the opportunity to obtain natural colostrum from newly freshened dairy cows. Expert recommendations are to avoid getting the colostrum from dairies…

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Raised beds can keep gardeners busy until spring

By Trisha Gedon STILLWATER, Okla. – Gardeners are counting the days until they can get back to tending their landscapes without the need for hot chocolate breaks. While Oklahoma still has a few cold weeks until gardening season traditionally takes off, gardeners can keep themselves busy building raised garden beds. The idea behind raised bed gardening isn’t complicated: It’s an area that is elevated anywhere from a few inches up to 2 or 3…

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Ranchers’ webinars turn to youth events

By Brian Brus STILLWATER, Okla. – The Ranchers Thursday Lunchtime series of free teleconferences launches its next round of topics 12:30 p.m. Feb. 11 with a roundtable discussion by Oklahoma Youth Expo staff about show ring success. “This cycle of talks will deal with a unique segment of the cattle industry,” said Dr. Rosslyn Biggs, beef cattle extension specialist and continuing education director at OSU’s College of Veterinary Medicine. “We’ll be providing information to help…

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Ranchers’ webinars address forage and difficult weather

By Brian Brus STILLWATER, Okla. – The next round of the popular Ranchers Thursday Lunchtime series of teleconferences for the cattle industry moves into the area of managing cattle and forage in dry weather patterns, Oklahoma State University Extension officials said. The free events continue at 12:30 p.m. Jan. 28 through the Zoom online portal. Gary McManus, state climatologist with the Oklahoma Climatological Survey, is scheduled to discuss seasonal weather patterns. He will…

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Yard work for the birds? Procrastination has its benefits

By Trisha Gedon STILLWATER, Okla. – Gardeners who have been slacking on their landscaping chores lately have a loophole. No time to rake the leaves or clear out the flower beds? No problem. The landscape can go to the birds – literally – in the fall. David Hillock, Oklahoma State University Extension consumer horticulturist, said wild birds are grateful for the lack of upkeep. “This is the time of year when tidy gardeners are raking…

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Difficult calving may require help

By Lauren Raley Difficult calving can have long-term health implications – potentially even be fatal – for a calf and its mom, Oklahoma State University Extension specialists said. “Ranchers who know what to expect in the calving process are in a better position to protect their livestock,” said Glenn Selk, OSU Extension beef cattle specialist. “If something has gone wrong, ranchers are able to identify it much faster and respond.” OSU Extension’s fact sheet on calving…

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Food safety tips for novice holiday meal hosts

By Trisha Gedon STILLWATER, Okla. – For many people, heading home for the holidays is a long-standing tradition. However, with the world in the midst of a pandemic, traditions need to take a slightly different turn this year. Barbara Brown, Oklahoma State University Extension food specialist, said millennials and others who typically travel to their parents’ or grandparents’ homes for holidays should consider staying away this year due to health safety concerns. “This younger generation…

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Robotic milking comes to OSU students at Ferguson Family Dairy Center

By Donald Stotts  STILLWATER, Okla. – Candy is for more than people with a sweet tooth; it’s also a great way to train dairy cows how to use a robotic milking system, much to the delight and educational benefit of students working at Oklahoma State University’s Ferguson Family Dairy Center.  The robotic milking system highlights how the OSU Department of Animal and Food Sciences provides students with firsthand experience of technological advances that are changing…

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