What to do When Calves Are Born Weak
What to do When Calves Are Born Weak | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter (osu.edu)
What to do When Calves Are Born Weak | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter (osu.edu)
Record Beef Exports in 2021 | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter (osu.edu)
Beef Cattle Numbers Continue to Decline | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter (osu.edu)
Make Sure to Remove All the Net Wrap | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter (osu.edu)
The Top Ten New Years’ Resolutions for Cow/Calf Producers | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter (osu.edu)
Cold Stress and Beef Cows | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter (osu.edu)
Timely Frost Seeding Improves Pasture, Hay Stands! | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter (osu.edu)
Does Stockpiling Pay? | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter (osu.edu)
Dr. Michelle Arnold, UK Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is continuing to implement strategies to promote the *judicious or appropriate use of antibiotics considered important in human medicine when they are used in food-producing animals. FDA’s goal is to curb the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and in turn reduce the risk of human infections that are difficult to treat due to ineffective antibiotics. On June 11th of 2021, FDA…
Haley Zynda, Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator, OSU Extension, Wayne County Propionate is the only fatty acid that can be converted to glucose in the liver and greater glucose production leads to greater average daily gains and marbling deposition. For those of you who eat beef, fat is flavor. For those of you feeding beef, fat is money. Well, a certain type of fat (intramuscular fat/marbling) is money because it increases your chance…