K-State experts lay out criteria for evaluating bulls

Summer is a good time to evaluate bulls as they leave the breeding pastures. | Download this photo. K-State experts lay out criteria for evaluating bulls Summertime culling decisions hinge on several factors MANHATTAN, Kan. — As bulls come off the summer breeding pastures, producers have several criteria to consider when making culling decisions, according to experts at the Kansas State University Beef Cattle Institute. In a recent CattleChat podcast, they debated whether fertility…

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Beef cattle experts outline ‘pillars’ for sustainable ranches

Environmental considerations important, but so are social, economic matters MANHATTAN, Kan. — In agriculture, the word sustainability is often associated with environmental topics, but a senior official with the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association said it also has economic and social ties. “The three pillars of sustainability are economic, environmental and social, and there are ways that cattle ranchers can impact each of these on a local level,” said Myriah Johnson, NCBA’s senior director…

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Creep Feeding Calves

Steve Niemeyer, Nebraska Extension EducatorTravis Mulliniks, UNL Beef Cattle Nutritionist, Range Production Systems The cost of the gain from creep feeding has to be less than the value of the gain to be a profitable nutritional strategy. Photo credit Steve Niemeyer. Keeping a tight grip on feed costs is a priority for every beef producer. Creep feeding calves can be a good return on investments in certain situations. Maintaining the calf’s efficiency at…

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You Can’t Manage What You Don’t Measure: Range Record Keeping

Krista Ehlert Assistant Professor & SDSU Extension Range Specialist Written collaboratively by Krista Ehlert and Pat Johnson. The best businesses are the ones that are properly managed in ways that result in profit. However, if you’re a livestock producer this is probably where you’re thinking, “easier said than done.” At the core, though, livestock production is no different than any other business out there – effective management requires good metrics, and metrics come…

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K-State vet shares tips for managing cattle through heat

Temperature is only part of the challenge, Tarpoff says MANHATTAN, Kan. – A Kansas State University veterinarian is urging cattle producers to beef up their plans for managing heat stress in their herds, a challenge that costs the U.S. cattle industry up to $370 million in losses each year. A.J. Tarpoff, a beef veterinarian with K-State Research and Extension, said cattle are resilient animals; they will often acclimate to hot temperatures. But an…

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Calving Season Benchmarks

Olivia Amundson SDSU Extension Cow/Calf Field Specialist Cows that calve on time are the number one indicator that cattle within that operation fit the managerial program. This happens simply from timely reproduction. Reproductive performance of an operation is important to the overall success and bottom line of that operation. Benchmarking may be beneficial as it can help focus limited management time on critical areas of an individual’s beef cow business. This year may…

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Cow Herd Options

Heather Gessner SDSU Extension Livestock Business Management Field Specialist April 2018 and 2019 blizzards caused stress to the region’s cowherds, and for some herds changed the calving distribution. 2020 brings a chance to re-establish a preferred calving distribution. Calving distribution can have an economic effect on the income received for calves in the fall, as well as a long term effect for the herd. Cattle producers have options to bunch the herd back…

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Some Ideas on Converting from Year-round Calving to a Controlled Breeding Season

Dr. Les Anderson, Extension Beef Specialist, University of Kentucky Maintaining a controlled breeding and calving season can be one of the most important management tools for cow-calf producers. A uniform, heavier, and more valuable calf crop is one key reason for keeping the breeding season short. Plus, more efficient cow supplementation and cow herd health programs are products of a short breeding season. However, converting from a year-long breeding season to a shortened…

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Biosecurity important tool in fighting vesicular stomatitis in horse operations

By Donald Stotts STILLWATER, Okla. – Horse owners should review basic biosecurity practices to guard against the potential spread of vesicular stomatitis to their animals, Oklahoma State University experts said. Vesicular stomatitis is a contagious, viral disease that – while rarely life threatening – can have a significant financial impact on an individual horse owner and the state’s equine industry, said Dr. Barry Whitworth, OSU Extension veterinarian. The first case in the United…

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