Rising Feed Costs Being Felt

Jeff Lehmkuhler, PhD, PAS, Associate Extension Professor, University of Kentucky Looking back on 2020, the year had its share of pull your hair out and scream moments. Just as we were nearing the end, another slap in the face came as grain commodities began to run up on the trade market. This is a good thing for our crop growers who struggled in 2020. My brothers-in-law reminded me of this at Christmas how…

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Preparing Your Cows for A Successful Breeding Season

Dr. Les Anderson, Beef Extension Specialist, University of Kentucky A successful breeding season begins with management decisions made prior to calving. As we move into the winter-feeding period for spring-calving cows, cattlemen need to review their management plan to ensure optimal rebreeding and success. Rebreeding efficiency can be optimized by focusing on body condition score (BCS), early assistance during calving difficulty, scheduling a breeding soundness exam for the herd sires, planning their herd…

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K-State’s Winter Ranch Management Series Set for Late January and February

The seminar series will focus on management, nutrition and vaccine management for beef producers and allow producers to ask questions of their local, district and state extension specialists. MANHATTAN, Kan. – Vaccine management and storage will be one of the topics for the 2021 Kansas State University Winter Ranch Management Seminar Series. Hosted by three areas across the state of Kansas, the meetings will feature presentations and comments by extension educators to enhance…

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Preventing Calf Disease Starts with the Pregnant Cow

Dr. Michelle Arnold, UK Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory Every year, the UKVDL receives calves that died suddenly in the first week of life, usually with few or no symptoms. Often the owner will describe the situation this way: “calves will nurse, be 2-3 days old and found dead” or “calf was 3-5 days old, lying around more than normal and nursing very little, found dead the next day”. At necropsy (an animal “autopsy”), the…

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K-State launches Finances and the Farm: An online class to enhance farm management skills

Self-paced course for ag producers can fulfill FSA borrower requirements MANHATTAN, Kan. – Kansas State University has launched a new self-paced online course, Finances and the Farm, now available to Kansans and others. “It is important, especially during these challenging times, to be proactive with your farm financial management,” said LaVell Winsor, agricultural economist with the K-State Research and Extension Farm Analyst Program. “Making this training online and self-paced means individual producers or…

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Livestock producers have more risk management possibilities

K-State’s Jenny Ifft says insurance choices, coverage are better than in years past MANHATTAN, Kan. – The use of crop insurance by farmers is pretty common across the United States. Livestock insurance, not so much. A Kansas State University agricultural economist believes, however, that recent improvements in risk management products for livestock producers by the USDA’s Risk Management Agency may make them worth a second look. “We like to say the federal crop insurance program…

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Mineral imbalances need to be considered in cattle deaths

Texas A&M AgriLife offers expertise, assistance in livestock mineral toxicity, testing Ranchers need to keep in mind that the wrong quantities of minerals can be dangerous or even deadly to cattle, said experts from the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. What works for one livestock operation will not always work for a neighbor when it comes to mineral supplements. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service can help producers test for their needs. (Texas A&M AgriLife…

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Late Gestation Planning Prior to Calving

Olivia Amundson SDSU Extension Cow/Calf Field Specialist For most, weaning is in the books and pregnancy detection is complete or soon to be underway. Now is the time to pay attention to those pregnant cows out on crop residue or grass. While these females may be the last thing on your mind, this time is critical for her success the following year. Annual Cow Cycle Cow calf operations are more profitable when cows…

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Cornstalk Residue Grazing with Weaned Calves, Dry Pregnant Cows or Pairs – What Supplementation Do They Need?

Karla H. Wilke, UNL Cow/Calf Systems and Stocker ManagementMary Drewnoski, Nebraska Extension Beef Systems SpecialistKacie McCarthy, UNL Cow-Calf Specialist Cornstalk residue is an economical forage resource across Nebraska, which can help producers reduce annual cow costs. Photo credit Troy Walz. With approximately 9.8 million acres of corn yielding an average of 182 bushels/acre, cornstalk residue can be an accessible and economical winter grazing forage option for producers in Nebraska. Historic research at the…

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Cattle Chat: Controlling costs is key to making profits

Cattle producers should understand their objective for having cattle in order to make a profit for the business. (K-State Research and Extension file photo) K-State beef cattle expert discuss factors for business success MANHATTAN, Kan. -- If a business wants to keep its doors open, it has to make a profit. Similarly, cattle operations must turn a profit, according to the experts at the Kansas State University Beef Cattle Institute. To that point, agricultural…

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