Cattle Chat: Caring for first-calf heifers and calves

K-State beef cattle experts discuss the dietary needs of first calf heifers and the importance of water to nursing calves MANHATTAN, Kan. — Each season of the year brings management considerations for the beef producer. For summer, two groups in the herd – first calf heifers and young calves – need special attention, according to experts at Kansas State University’s Beef Cattle Institute. “First calf heifers need a lot of extra care because…

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Cattle Chat: Managing heat stress in cattle

Knowing the signs and mitigation strategies will aid in cattle performance over the summer MANHATTAN, Kan. — On a hot summer day, people often dress in light clothing, drink more water than normal and seek shade to minimize the impacts on the body from heat and humidity. Kansas State University Beef Cattle Institute experts said cattle need many of those same strategies for maximum performance over the summer. Talking on a recent Cattle Chat podcast,…

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Use recommended dehorning practices for cattle

By Donald Stotts  STILLWATER, Okla. – As horned cattle become less common in the industry, livestock producers need to practice recommended dehorning techniques to ensure their animals’ well-being, said Oklahoma State University experts.  “A successful dehorning plan can improve operational efficiency; it involves the use of a written protocol and skilled personnel,” said Dr. Rosslyn Biggs, OSU Extension veterinarian and director of continuing education for the university’s College of Veterinary Medicine. “Industry experts and veterinarians typically recommend…

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Where are your priorities and How does your operation stack-up to the competition (Benchmarking)?

Matt Stockton, Nebraska Extension Ag Economics Specialist Randy Saner, Nebraska Extension Educator This summary looked at 31 commercial beef cow-calf operations with 100 or more cows. Photo credit Troy Walz. Benchmarking a cow-calf operation by comparing it to other similar operations provides producers a tool to look at ways they can improve their businesses. This summary looks at 31 commercial beef cow-calf operations with 100 or more cows. The information comes from the…

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Cattle Chat: Understanding generic drug development

Generic drugs are an option for consideration when making animal health decisions. Kansas State beef cattle veterinarians discuss the process of creating generic drugs and their use in food animals MANHATTAN, Kan. — When going to the pharmacy, consumers are often faced with a choice to select the brand name drug for their ailment or opt for the less expensive generic product. Just as with humans, cattle producers and their veterinary partners make…

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Pasture and Forage Minute: The Right Stocking Rate

Ben Beckman, Nebraska Extension Educator Proper stocking depends on two factors, animal intake and pasture productivity. Photo credit Troy Walz. Stocking pastures with the right number of animals is one of the cornerstones of proper grazing management.  It’s tempting to take the easy route and keep using the same rate year after year.  After all, if it’s not broke, why fix it?  But over time, could this approach do more harm than good? …

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Controlling Horn Flies on Pastured Cattle

Dave Boxler, Nebraska Extension Educator Understanding the horn fly’s habits, life cycle, impact control methods and products will help design an effective control program. Photo credit Dave Boxler. With temperatures starting to warm, fly season is not far away, and now is the time to evaluate your 2021 horn fly management plan. Was your fly management program successful last year? If the answer is no, what were possible factors that might have directed…

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Managing Orphaned Calves

Adele Harty SDSU Extension Cow/Calf Field Specialist Written collaboratively by Adele Harty and Taylor Grussing, former SDSU Extension Cow/Calf Field Specialist. No matter the circumstances, it seems that, for one reason or another, cattlemen end up with an orphaned calf or two every year. Situations, such as twins, a heifer or cow not claiming her calf, a sick or dead cow, or a weather event, such as a blizzard, can orphan calves. No…

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Insecticidal ear tags can help protect cattle producer’s profits Insecticidal ear tags can help protect cattle producer’s profits In this video, Kansas State University veterinary entomologist Cassandra Olds explains the importance of insecticidal ear tags for fly control in cattle herds. She notes two common pests for cattle: horn flies and face flies. Insecticidal ear tags, she explains, work by releasing a small amount of insecticide on the cow’s hair as the animal moves. Then, the natural oils in the hair…

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Get the most out of higher cattle placement weights in feedlots

By Donald Stotts  STILLWATER, Okla. – The rising feedlot cost of gain in the southern Great Plains should have cattle producers considering economic opportunities for operations in forage-based stocker and backgrounding programs, said Oklahoma State University Extension experts.  Cost of gain, or the expense of gaining a pound of livestock bodyweight, involves several critical factors such as feed costs, flesh condition, animal genetics, weather and cattle health. When grain prices rise and cost of gain…

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