K-State distributes 15,000 pounds of fresh, Kansas flour

Event marks re-opening of Hal Ross Flour Mill MANHATTAN, Kan. – Kansas State University officials handed out 15,000 pounds of flour on Thursday during a drive-through event held at the recently re-opened Hal Ross Flour Mill, north of campus. Gordon Smith, head of the Department of Grain Science and Industry, said the event was held to help people who may be struggling to obtain basic food supplies. Shortly after the event began, a…

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A new grazing option on the horizon

K-State forage expert talks about how teff grass is being used for cattle grazing in Kansas MANHATTAN, Kan. – Anyone with a gluten sensitivity may be familiar with teff (Eragrostis tef), a cereal crop from Ethiopia that is gluten free and often used in cooking. But they may be surprised to know that it is also gaining popularity as a grass grown for hay production and cattle grazing. “Teff is a warm season…

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Hays research center to release new hard red wheat

Variety improves disease resistance of previous western Kansas lines HAYS, Kan. – A researcher at the Agricultural Research Center in Hays has taken a good thing and made it even better. Wheat scientist Guorong Zhang announced in early June that he is ready to release a hard red winter wheat variety that is suited for the drier, western Kansas climate. The new variety does not yet have a name, but it builds off…

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Women Managing the Farm plans June 17 webinar

Women Managing the Farm, a program that helps prepare farm women to successfully participate in multiple roles, will host a webinar on June 17 to discuss the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on U.S. and global economies. (File photo) Agricultural economist will outline strategies for successfully moving past global pandemic MANHATTAN, Kan. – A program that helps to equip women with resources to manage their farm interests effectively will be hosting a free…

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K-State wheat breeder takes early look at upcoming releases

K-State wheat breeder Allan Fritz says two wheat lines expected to be released this year show promise for leaf resistance and good yields. (File photo) Fritz talks about lines expected out this year during virtual Wheat Field Day MANHATTAN, Kan. – Kansas farmers participating in the first-ever Virtual Wheat Field Day last week got an early report on two hard red winter wheat lines expected for release later this year by Kansas State…

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Caring for bulls during the breeding season

K-State experts share tips on how to manage the bulls for optimum performance MANHATTAN, Kan. – Just as an athlete can experience an injury in competition, so too can a bull when he is turned out in a breeding pasture where his athleticism is going to be tested. “Bulls will be the busiest in the first month of the breeding season when there are a lot of females coming into heat (estrus),” said…

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“Managerial Tools and Tips in an Uncertain Climate and Market” webinar will be hosted on Zoom June 4.

MANHATTAN, Kan. – Registration is now open for a webinar that will help Kansas beef cattle producers make management decisions in light of the current weather patterns, ranging from flooding to drought, in Kansas and calf market volatility following COVID-19.   The webinar will be hosted by the Kansas State University Animal Sciences and Industry Department and K-State Research and Extension via Zoom on Thursday, June 4, 2020 at noon CDT. “This webinar…

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Kansas net farm income rose in 2019; government support again a big factor

KFMA data showed 9% net farm income increase from previous year MANHATTAN, Kan. – Kansas net farm income rose again in 2019, largely owing to government support payments meant to buffer the effect of trade disputes amid lackluster commodity prices, according to the annual summary by the Kansas Farm Management Association. Net farm income among KFMA members averaged $110,380 in 2019, up from $101,274 a year earlier and well above the five-year average…

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K-State beef cattle experts share tips for treating calves

MANHATTAN, Kan. – Spring branding and processing day is often a time when community members and families join together to administer vaccinations, castrate, implant calves and apply hide identification before summer pasture turnout. But this spring’s COVID-19 pandemic may require some changes, said experts at Kansas State University’s Beef Cattle Institute. They offered up some advice during a recent Cattle Chat podcast. “It is critical to have the right labor on hand to…

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Targeting optimum cow size

The average return for an extra 100 pounds of cow weight is five to seven pounds of additional weight of the calf at weaning.. K-State beef cattle specialists discuss factors that influence the most efficient cow size MANHATTAN, Kan. – Genetics, feed resources and calf marketing windows are just some of the influencing factors that determine the optimum size for cows to grow, according to the Kansas State University Beef Cattle Institute’s team…

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