Cattle Chat: Internal parasite management for calves

Kansas State beef cattle experts offer tips on ways to reduce parasite loads in young animals MANHATTAN, Kan. — Do the terms worms and life cycles bring back memories of biology class? Well in the case of beef cattle, understanding the life cycle of worms -- otherwise known as internal parasites -- is key to reducing health impacts in calves, say the experts at Kansas State University’s Beef Cattle Institute. Joining in a…

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Price Discovery in Cattle Markets

Researchers look at 20 years of data to determine effect of trends, future of industry. by Pat Melgares, Kansas State University Agricultural economists say short-term disruptions in the fed-cattle and beef industries have not changed longer-term motivations for how buyers and sellers establish prices for cattle. They have finished an exhaustive review of price discovery in the fed-cattle and beef industry during the past 20 years, which explains current ways of doing business…

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USDA grant supports new K-State hotline for diagnosing toxic animal emergencies

Researchers in the Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine will use a grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to create impactful and innovative outreach tools to help veterinarians address toxicology problems in food animal livestock. MANHATTAN — Rapid response to animal health emergencies has prompted the creation of a new veterinary toxicology training program at Kansas State University. A $248,000 U.S. Department of Agriculture grant will enhance the ability of researchers…

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Cattle Chat: Planning for upcoming pregnancies

Caring for cows well in mid-pregnancy influences future breeding success Kansas State beef cattle experts share fall cow management tips for spring calvers MANHATTAN, Kan. — Most would agree that planning ahead is one of the best ways to meet a goal and that is true of the cow herd as well, say the experts at Kansas State University’s Beef Cattle Institute. Speaking on a recent Cattle Chat podcast, veterinarians Bob Larson and Brad White shared…

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Cattle Chat: Maintaining cow efficiency

Many factors influence the efficiency of the cow herd. Beef cattle experts share the factors that influence the well-being of the cow herd MANHATTAN, Kan. — Efficiency is something many strive for, whether it is spending money wisely or making the most of the time dedicated to a project. And for the beef producer, developing an efficient cow herd has financial implications, according to beef cattle experts who recently spoke on a Kansas…

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Mesonet weather program benefits Kansas farmers

State meteorologist says local weather information is free By Shelby Varner, K-State Research and Extension news MANHATTAN, Kan. -- Anyone who has ever lived in Kansas knows that the weather can change quickly, a fact that Chip Redmond thinks makes the Kansas Mesonet especially valuable in the state. Redmond, a meteorologist and manager of the Kansas Mesonet, said the program is working to continue spreading its multiple resources across Kansas for citizens. He…

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Researchers team up to look at benefits of ag technologies on quality of life

Automated systems score high in 15-year study MANHATTAN, Kan. – A Kansas State University agricultural economist is taking a step-back approach while carving out a new way of looking at the returns of precision agricultural technology. “As an economist, I (normally) look at things like profitability – dollars and cents – and whether the benefits outweigh the costs,” said Terry Griffin, a precision agriculture economist at K-State. “But sometimes economists may take a step…

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Armyworms taking aim at farmer’s fields

K-State crop entomologist discusses worms in agricultural fields By Shelby Varner, K-State Research and Extension news writer MANHATTAN, Kan. – The destructive – though rarely seen – armyworm has taken its voracious appetite to many Kansas farm fields this fall. Kansas State University crop entomologist Jeff Whitworth said many Kansas farmers are reporting sightings of the small worm, which feeds on turf grasses, vegetables and other plants when other food sources become scarce.…

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Cattle Chat: Bull care between breeding seasons

K-State experts discuss health considerations for herds calving in spring and fall MANHATTAN, Kan. — While many beef producers only calve once per year, there are some who maintain both a fall and spring calving system with the same set of bulls. And with this herd management plan, special care needs to be given to the bulls, said veterinarians with the Beef Cattle Institute at Kansas State University. “In large operations that follow…

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