A Strong Finish to the Year

Stephen R. Koontz, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics – Colorado State University Without a doubt, the cattle markets are closing the year far stronger than I expected.  Live cattle futures have pushed into new highs and cash fed cattle prices are back to tracking the price levels and seasonal patterns of last year.  There were some unique market drivers that I discussed last month.  Most are still present, are not typical, and…

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Castration Timing, Technique Options and Pain Management

Animal welfare is ever present in the beef producer's mind when considering the optimal management strategies to maximize the productivity of the calf. One of the most stressful times in a male calf's life is when he experiences castration. Optimum Castration Timing In regard to the optimum time for the procedure, Kansas State veterinarians Dr. Bob Larson and Dr. Hans Coetzee recommend castrating bull calves in the first few days of life after…

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Economics of Traceability

While no beef producer ever wants to experience a catastrophic disease outbreak in the herd, in seeing the BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) and FMD (food and mouth disease) outbreaks that have occurred in the world, cattle raisers must prepare for that possibility. One way to minimize the risks to the herd is to adopt a cattle tracking system such as CattleTrace. With that system cattle are given an ultra high radio frequency tag…

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Antibiotic Stewardship: Protecting Animal and Human Health

By Myriah Johnson, Ph.D.Economics Program Leader and Agricultural Economics Consultant Promoting the proper use of antibiotics in animal agriculture to preserve their efficacy for both animal and human health is of prime importance. That’s a goal of the International Consortium for Antimicrobial Stewardship in Agriculture (ICASA), which Noble Research Institute became a founding member of in 2018. The industry-oriented program was created by the nonprofit Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research to advance…

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The hidden cost of cow depreciation

K-State experts advise beef producers on ways to minimize this expense MANHATTAN, Kan. –  When asking cow-calf producers what it costs to raise cattle, often they will list feed and equipment as two of the largest expenses they have. Others might include labor on the list. But experts at Kansas State University say that one cost not often thought of or accounted for is the decreasing value of the cow over time. “Labor,…

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K-State beef cattle experts discuss tips for raising stocker cattle

Managing feed and health costs while optimizing marketing strategies are keys to success MANHATTAN, Kan. – Cow-calf producers, stocker operators and feedlot managers all have the same end goal in mind: raise high quality beef profitably. Experts at the Kansas State University Beef Cattle Institute say there are many ways that producers can do that successfully. Stocker cattle are typically newly-weaned calves weighing between 300 and 800 pounds. They are often co-mingled with…

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Improving the Bottom-line of Breeding: Three State Beef Conference

Pre-calving nutritional strategies will be discussed at the upcoming Three State Beef Conference. Photo credit Troy Walz. In a joint effort, Nebraska, Missouri and Iowa Extension are hosting three meetings to address how to set up an economical and successful breeding season. The registration fee is $25 per person. It includes a meal and a copy of the conference proceedings. Presentations include: Pre-calving nutritional strategies: Am I staying ahead or getting behind?Dr. Travis…

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Soybean Stubble for Cows

Bruce Anderson, Nebraska Extension Forage Specialist Don’t be misled into thinking soybean residues are as good or better than corn stalks. Photo credit Troy Walz. After soybeans are harvested, cows sometimes are put out on the residues to graze.  Some bean residues are even baled.  But how good is this feed?  We’re all familiar with the usefulness of grazing corn stalks, but I see more and more residue from soybean fields grazed every…

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K-State beef cattle experts share considerations for retaining females in the herd

Decision often is based on priorities of the operation MANHATTAN, Kan. – Late fall is the time many cattle producers are weaning spring born calves and making selections for replacement females. Trying to decide if replacement heifers should be kept and, if so, the best way for making that decision was a recent discussion topic for Kansas State University Beef Cattle Institute professors Bob Larson and Bob Weaber. Larson, a veterinarian, said the…

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The Cost of Overwintering Open Cows

Jordan Buerck, Research Assistant and Brenda Boetel, Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Wisconsin-River Falls As winter in the Midwest begins in full force, one of the more important decisions for producers is whether or not to continue feeding open cows throughout the winter period in hopes of attaining higher market value for that animal in the spring. This decision must be analyzed based on each individual’s location and access to feed…

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