Mineral and Vitamin Considerations When Drylotting Cows

Mary Drewnoski, Nebraska Extension Beef Systems Specialist Karla H. Wilke, UNL Cow/Calf Systems and Stocker Management A good mineral program does not have to be expensive, nor is cost correlated with effectiveness. Photo credit Karla Wilke. Managing cows in a drylot can be a way to maintain the herd when forage production is reduced due to drought or as a part of a system when pasture is unavailable for other reasons. When cattle…

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Selecting an Optimum Breeding Season Length

Joslyn Beard, Livestock Specialist, University of Arizona Kacie McCarthy, UNL Cow-Calf Specialist Travis Mulliniks, UNL Beef Cattle Nutritionist, Range Production Systems Each decision or change in management in a livestock production system results in multiple changes or outcomes downstream of the resulting change. Photo credit Troy Walz. Decisions in livestock production are never simple, but rather complex. Each decision or change in management results in multiple changes or outcomes downstream of the resulting…

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Kansas State beef cattle experts offer considerations for using AI in the herd

Good body condition and calving early in the season are keys to success with an AI synchronization protocol for cows. | Download this photo. Cattle Chat: Breeding cows with artificial insemination Kansas State beef cattle experts offer considerations for using AI in the herd MANHATTAN, Kan. — Many beef producers ascribe to the belief that the main job of a cow on the ranch is to annually raise a healthy calf. To do that she…

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Breeding Season Planning Resources

Aaron Berger, Nebraska Extension Beef Educator The development of estrus synchronization protocols for beef cattle that can be used for either natural service or artificial insemination has provided greater opportunities for cattle producers to benefit from these technologies. Photo credit Troy Walz The breeding season will soon be underway for spring calving herds.  Understanding the factors that contribute to a successful breeding season in heifers and cows can help cow-calf producers effectively manage…

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Cattle Chat: Managing to prevent grass tetany in cattle

Spring calving cows grazing on cool season grasses are prone to this disease if not nutritionally managed MANHATTAN, Kan. — Spring-calving cow-calf pairs grazing on green pastures is often a sign that spring has arrived. However, it is also a time that cattle producers need to be watchful for cows experiencing grass tetany, according to Kansas State University beef cattle experts. On a recent Cattle Chat podcast, Beef Cattle Institute veterinarians Brad White and…

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Minerals for Beef Cattle

Proper mineral and vitamin nutrition contributes to strong immune systems, reproductive performance, and calf weight gain. However, when it comes to selecting mineral supplementation to use for your beef herd it can often be a confusing decision as not all mineral mixtures are the same. To help better understand what minerals are needed for beef cattle, OSU Extension in Coshocton County offered a webinar titled “Minerals for Beef Cattle” on Tuesday, March 16,…

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Economic Considerations for Early Weaning

Warren Rusche SDSU Extension Beef Feedlot Management Associate Beef specialists and nutritionists often advise ranchers to wean calves at younger ages as a response to drought conditions. However, what about when moisture conditions are normal? Can weaning calves at 100 to 180 days of age be profitable? For any management practice to be economically feasible, income must increase more than expenses, or expenses must decrease more than income declines. Almost by definition, early…

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Don’t let the green grass fool you

Dr. Katie VanValin- Assistant Extension Professor- University of Kentucky. Perhaps it was the full season worth of winter weather we got in one-week last month, or the above average temperatures that followed, but either way we are rounding the bend and spring will be here before we know it. One of the things I love most about spring is that along with the warmer temperatures and longer days, inevitably comes greener pastures. However,…

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Managing Cow/Calf Pairs With Excess Spring Moisture

Olivia Amundson SDSU Extension Cow/Calf Field Specialist Written collaboratively by Taylor Grussing, former SDSU Extension Cow/Calf Field Specialist and Olivia Amundson. Rain, snow and warming temperatures are making their way again this winter as future forecasts indicate another wet spring. However, with last year’s flooding we’re a little wiser on how to tackle the predicted flooding. Last year’s flooding, blizzard conditions and excess snow wreaked havoc on livestock producers in South Dakota. While…

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Winter Cow Supplementation and Cold Stress

Adele Harty SDSU Extension Cow/Calf Field Specialist Cold temperatures coupled with wind chill and precipitation make it challenging to meet a cow’s nutrient requirements during the winter months. A Polar Vortex is set to bring below normal temperatures to much of the country for the next week. With these below normal temperatures come challenges of ensuring adequate nutrition and protection for livestock, including being prepared to provide additional feed and shelter. There are…

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