OSU research examines how to improve cattle selection practices

By Alisa Boswell-Gore STILLWATER, Okla. – Oklahoma State University researchers have hopes of offering future insight to cattle producers regarding selection practices. What could this mean for the cattle industry? “We’re hoping this will be the first steps in being able to find some selection criteria for immune response and robustness traits, along with the growth, carcass and feed efficiency traits that are currently being emphasized in selection,” said Paul Beck, animal and food sciences associate…

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Successful calving begins now with sound spring breeding

By Gail Ellis  STILLWATER, Okla. – Many cattle ranchers are turning bulls in with their cows and heifers this time of year, and Mark Johnson, beef cattle breeding specialist for Oklahoma State University Extension, has some tips for a successful breeding season. “It’s always a good idea to do breeding soundness evaluations on bulls prior to breeding season,” Johnson said. “BSEs are a general rule of thumb and good management practice.” Once bulls are determined sound,…

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