Commercial Cattle and Genomics
Commercial Cattle and Genomics – Beef Improvement Federation
Commercial Cattle and Genomics – Beef Improvement Federation
by Megan Underwood “The market signals are clear for weights – everyone gets paid by weight throughout the beef value chain and it’s obvious the value of the genetic gain,” explained Dr. Peter Amer, AbacusBio Limited managing director. Amer gave his presentation titled “Precision Breeding Opportunities in an Evolving Breeding Objective Landscape” during the 2023 Beef Improvement Federation (BIF) Symposium July 4, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Amer described beef improvement as a road…
2023 Awards – Beef Improvement Federation
BIF Selects New Board, Officers – Beef Improvement Federation
2023 Beef Improvement Federation Research Symposium and Convention Program Announced | Beef Improvement Federation
Sustainable Beef Systems Can Achieve Climate Neutrality | Beef Improvement Federation
U.S. Beef Industry Reduces Carbon Emissions through Improved Genetic Selection | Beef Improvement Federation
Transparency Drives Consumer Support of the Beef Industry | Beef Improvement Federation
Beef Improvement Federation Releases Decision Support Tool for Beef Cattle Selection | Beef Improvement Federation
Vertically Integrated Beef Production Drives Genetic Progress | Beef Improvement Federation