National Junior Angus Show Contest Winners Announced

Angus youth from across the country competed in the contest portion of the National Junior Angus Show, held July 20-24in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

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Angus Juniors Donate to Tulsa Food Bank

Youth from across the nation contribute to community service project through the newly created Angus Impact program. The National Junior Angus Association (NJAA) strives to create opportunities for its members to grow, even outside of the show ring. The NJAA has always emphasized community service, and this year a program was created specifically for this cause. The Angus Impact program aims to encourage and facilitate community service initiatives for Angus youth to partake…

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Summer Show Guidelines Announced

In order for the National Junior Angus Association to hold shows this summer amidst COVID-19 we ask our juniors, parents and spectators to please read and comply with the following rules to ensure state standards are met and that your safety is kept as the top priority. Please refer to the following rules for the upcoming National Junior Angus Show July 19-25, 2020. Summer show season changes No fit show: This will be…

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Take it Up a Notch on the National Angus Tour

Angus tour makes stops at diverse operations in the Kansas City area In the center of America’s heartland lies Kansas City, a metropolitan area that boasts a rich agricultural history. Kansas City’s roots can be traced to the establishment of the Kansas City Stockyards in 1871 and the American Royal Stock Show in 1899. Most know that tradition and agriculture have long been linked. In the modern era, livestock families have adopted new…

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American Angus Association Launches Combined $Value Index

$C combines the two underlying breeding objectives that drive Angus’s maternal and terminal economic indices.   The American Angus Association® launched the new Combined Value ($C) on May 29, 2020. $C is an economic selection index that aims to characterize profitability differences across the entire chain by combining the two underlying breeding objectives that drive the American Angus Association’s maternal and terminal economic indices.  Expressed in dollars per head, $C includes all 15 traits involved in Maternal Weaned Calf Value ($M) and Beef Value…

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Bring the Heat from Home for the Certified Angus Beef ® at Home Contest

The highly acclaimed contest held traditionally at the National Junior Angus Show will be replaced with a virtual format for 2020. For the past 36 years, National Junior Angus Association (NJAA) members and their families have gathered at the National Junior Angus Show (NJAS) to test their culinary skills on the product that drives many of their livelihoods, Certified Angus Beef ® (CAB®). Due to COVID-19, this year’s contest will look a little…

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2020 National Junior Angus Show Relocates West to Tulsa, Okla.

In response to Covid-19 guidelines, the 2020 National Junior Angus Show changes locations. In light of the state of Pennsylvania’s COVID-19 guidelines, the American Angus Associationâ has decided to move the 2020 National Junior Angus Show (NJAS) to July 19-25, 2020, in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Although events will be much different than typical, the American Angus Association is continuing with the Eastern Regional Junior Show planned for June 25-28, 2020, in Lebanon, Tennessee, and…

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2020 National Junior Angus Show Contests Go Virtual

To adhere to social-distancing recommendations, numerous NJAS in­–person contests go virtual. It is the goal of the American Angus Association® to keep the health and safety of the Angus Family at the forefront of every decision made in relation to the Coronavirus. Consequently, the American Angus Association and the National Junior Angus Association (NJAA) have elected to modify a few of the contests associated with the 2020 National Junior Angus Show (NJAS) and…

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Angus Election Under Way

Delegate nominations due June 12. The American Angus Association® is making preparations for the 2020 Annual Convention of Delegates, hosted in conjunction with the Angus Convention Nov. 7-9 in Kansas City, Missouri. In accordance with the Association bylaws, forms have been mailed to every eligible voting active life and regular Association member who qualified as an eligible voting member to nominate delegates to the annual meeting. The nomination period is April 13 to June…

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