Oklahoma welcomes backyard beekeeping trend

By Gail Ellis  STILLWATER, Okla. – Backyard adventures and DIY projects are all the rage right now, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic prompted people to rediscover some of the joys of being at home and pass the time with new hobbies. First, it was gardening, then chickens, and now the latest backyard buzz is bees.  Courtney Bir, Oklahoma State University Extension farm management specialist, has studied how small-scale agricultural projects appeal to residents with extra space and time on…

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Cattle Chat: Caring for first-calf heifers and calves

K-State beef cattle experts discuss the dietary needs of first calf heifers and the importance of water to nursing calves MANHATTAN, Kan. — Each season of the year brings management considerations for the beef producer. For summer, two groups in the herd – first calf heifers and young calves – need special attention, according to experts at Kansas State University’s Beef Cattle Institute. “First calf heifers need a lot of extra care because…

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Upcycling can turn unused items into great gardening containers

By Trisha Gedon STILLWATER, Okla. – By upcycling unused items around the home, gardeners can prove the cliché that one person’s trash is another person’s treasure while keeping those materials out of landfills and creating whimsical, decorative features. It’s a sure bet that nearly any gardener can find some really interesting things that can be repurposed into unique garden planters, said Keith Reed, Oklahoma State University Extension horticulture educator in Payne County. However, such a project…

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Take Your Time with Power Takeoffs

Be safe and sound: Shut down and walk around. by Linda Geist, University of Missouri Extension Survivors do not soon forget power takeoff accidents. Retired Monroe County farmer Artie Whelan recalls one of his first days back on the farm after his discharge from the U.S. Army 64 years ago. The half-ton truck he was driving got stuck, so he hitched it to a Ford 8N tractor to pull it out. He jumped…

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The 20 and 19 Millionth Angus Registrations are Assigned

Milestone Angus Registration numbers are assigned by breeders to standout animals. The very first Angus animal was registered in 1883, and since then the American Angus Association®  has registered more than 20 million Angus cattle over the years. Among the vast database of registrations that have built up, there have been a handful of milestone registration numbers that have been purchased and assigned by breeders to stock that show both phenotypic and genotypic…

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Cattle Chat: Managing heat stress in cattle

Knowing the signs and mitigation strategies will aid in cattle performance over the summer MANHATTAN, Kan. — On a hot summer day, people often dress in light clothing, drink more water than normal and seek shade to minimize the impacts on the body from heat and humidity. Kansas State University Beef Cattle Institute experts said cattle need many of those same strategies for maximum performance over the summer. Talking on a recent Cattle Chat podcast,…

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USDA Forecasts Record Farm Exports in FY 2021

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s quarterly agricultural trade forecast, released, projects fiscal year 2021 U.S. farm exports at $164 billion – the highest total on record. This represents an increase of $28 billion, or 21 percent, from last fiscal year’s total, and a $7-billion increase from USDA’s previous FY 2021 forecast published in February. The annual export record of $152.3 billion was set in FY 2014. “U.S. agricultural trade has proven extraordinarily resilient…

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State partnership to monitor for Emerald Ash Borer on public lands

Buy local firewood to protect Kansas trees MANHATTAN, Kan. -- Memorial Day weekend marks the return of camping for many outdoor lovers. No campout -- whether it’s in your back yard or in one of the Kansas state parks -- is complete without a campfire. However, Kansas Forest Service officials caution that invasive pests and diseases may be lurking in firewood, including the devastating emerald ash borer. To monitor the potential spread of EAB, KFS…

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USDA Announces New Initiative to Quantify Climate Benefits of Conservation Reserve Program

Proposals for CRP Climate Change Mitigation Assessment Initiative Due July 2 WASHINGTON, May 25, 2021 — The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) today announced an initiative to quantify the climate benefits of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) contracts. This multi-year effort will enable USDA to better target CRP toward climate outcomes and improve existing models and conservation planning tools while supporting USDA’s goal of putting American agriculture and forestry at the…

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