Researchers team up to look at benefits of ag technologies on quality of life

Automated systems score high in 15-year study MANHATTAN, Kan. – A Kansas State University agricultural economist is taking a step-back approach while carving out a new way of looking at the returns of precision agricultural technology. “As an economist, I (normally) look at things like profitability – dollars and cents – and whether the benefits outweigh the costs,” said Terry Griffin, a precision agriculture economist at K-State. “But sometimes economists may take a step…

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GRILLED STEAK PIZZA SERVES 4 CUISINE: AMERICAN CATEGORY: APPETIZERS, STEAKS, SANDWICHES & SALADS Share your great taste! Pizza takes on a delicious smoky accent when cooked on a grill. Grilled Steak Pizza is a go-to simple recipe for outdoor entertaining. PREP TIME 10 mins OTHER TIME 0 COOK TIME 20 mins TOTAL TIME 30 mins INGREDIENTS: 4 (8-ounce) Certified Angus Beef ® top sirloin, or top sirloin cap, steaks1 1/2 teaspoons coarse kosher salt1 teaspoon fresh cracked pepper1…


Where is Value being created in your Ranch Operation?

Aaron Berger, Nebraska Extension Beef Educator Identifying where value is being created and costs are occurring can show where opportunities exist to change and improve the profitability of the ranch business. Photo credit Troy Walz. For many ranch operations multiple enterprises are a part of the overall business.  In addition to the cow-calf enterprise, land is owned, replacement heifers are developed, hay is harvested, and often, yearlings are wintered and grazed through the…

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Preparing for Cattle Transport Saves Time, Money and Stress

Jesse Fulton, Extension Educator, Director of Nebraska Beef Quality Assurance There are several important factors that should be considered when cattle are being transported. Photo credit Troy Walz. With fall upon us, many producers are beginning to plan shipment of this year’s calf crop or moving cattle from summer pasture to crop residues, fall/winter pastures, or to a dry lot. Each and every year, millions of head of cattle are transported from point…

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Exercise Caution when Grazing Cattle on Drought Stressed Cornstalks

Aaron Berger, Nebraska Extension Beef EducatorMary Drewnoski, Nebraska Extension Beef Systems Specialist Cattle prefer and will select the grain as well as leaves and husk first which tend to be lower in nitrates. Photo credit Troy Walz. Cornstalk residue is a tremendous resource for fall and winter grazing; however, this year care needs to be taken in grazing drought stressed cornstalks due to the potential of high nitrates in the feed. Cattle prefer…

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Developing Heifers to Fit Their Production Environment

Determining the most cost-effective system to develop heifers in a given production environment is critical to keeping those females in the herd long-term. Photo credit Troy Walz. This article was originally featured in Progressive Cattle. As producers begin selecting replacement heifers, a commonly asked question is, “What is the best method for developing heifers?” Considering the expenses involved in developing replacements, determining the most cost-effective system for a specific production environment is important…

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Safely Grazing Frosted Sorghums

Connor Biehler, Nebraska Extension Educator Ben Beckman, Nebraska Extension Educator During a freeze, the plant’s cell membranes are broken open by ice crystals. Photo credit Troy Walz. The first light frosts are still a few weeks away in Nebraska. However, planning for these events should be considered by beef producers grazing plants in the sorghum family. In addition to sorghum, plants such as sudangrass, and milo or grain sorghum fall under this same…

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Take a proactive approach to wildfire season

By Gail Ellis  STILLWATER, Okla. – The 2021 wildfire season is here, and while fires rage out west, Oklahomans also need to stay alert. Oklahoma’s official wildfire season runs from November through March when plant life and vegetation lay dormant across the prairie. March is historically the state’s windiest month of the year, but with most counties currently in a drought, drier air and lower humidity levels could fuel a fire across Oklahoma’s parched landscape at any…

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