What to Consider When Selecting Replacement Heifers
What to Consider When Selecting Replacement Heifers | UNL Beef
What to Consider When Selecting Replacement Heifers | UNL Beef
Originally written by Taylor Grussing, former SDSU Extension Cow/Calf Field Specialist. Now that calves are weaned and pregnancy checks are occurring, it’s time to start thinking about selecting replacement heifers to breed in the spring. Due to the differences in goals and needs between operations, there is no one size fit’s all selection equation that producers can follow. However, there are some common characteristics and questions that all producers should consider to help…
A Look into the Past, Present and Future of Carcass Ultrasound Procedures | Beef Improvement Federation
Warren Rusche Assistant Professor & SDSU Extension Feedlot Specialist Proper sampling of forage is essential if we want to obtain an accurate indication of the nutrient composition, dry matter content, or value of any feedstuff. Correct sampling and analysis is even more important under conditions that might increase feedstuff variability, such as challenging growing conditions. Sampling procedures vary depending upon the type of forage and whether or not sampling occurs pre-harvest or after…
Accomplished show cattle and breeders recognized at annual Awards Dinner. The Angus breed had many reasons to celebrate legendary progress at the 2021 National Convention and Trade Show, and show ring accomplishments were no exception. The Roll of Victory (ROV) Show Heifer of the Year, ROV Show Bull of the Year and ROV Breeder of the Year were named at the Awards Dinner held at the National Angus Convention and Trade Show on…
K-State beef cattle veterinarian shares best practices for vaccine management MANHATTAN, Kan. — One of the many lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic is the importance of handling vaccines properly. That is true not only for this vaccine, but for all biologic products in both human and animal medicine, said the experts at Kansas State University’s Beef Cattle Institute on a recent Cattle Chat podcast. Many factors can interfere with a vaccine’s efficacy, according…
K-State expert says trapping is best way to resolve interactions with livestock MANHATTAN, Kan. – If it seems like there are a lot more coyotes mingling in human spaces these days, it’s because…well, there are. “When we look at abundance trends, the population of coyotes has increased three-fold since the fur market crashed in the late 1980s,” said Drew Ricketts, a wildlife management specialist with K-State Research and Extension. Depending on time of…
Researchers are using small, robotic vehicles -- similar to the one shown above -- to identify and treat pest infestations in farm fields. K-State researcher says robotic vehicles could stop a localized infestation before it spreads By Shelby Varner, K-State Research and Extension news MANHATTAN, Kan. -- Autonomous pest control vehicles could become a valuable asset to farmers in the future as they create an opportunity for new intelligence and a way of…
Victor Shelton, Retired NRCS State Agronomist/Grazing Specialist Unrolling hay on pasture. A good option if soil conditions are good. I’ve enjoyed several good autumn days and quirked, “it can just stay this way and then turn nice,” but, winter is coming. I do enjoy the different seasons with each providing some traditional features, but my least favorite season is probably winter. Don’t get me wrong, there are some beautiful winter days – pristine,…
Haley Zynda, Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator, OSU Extension, Wayne County Propionate is the only fatty acid that can be converted to glucose in the liver and greater glucose production leads to greater average daily gains and marbling deposition. For those of you who eat beef, fat is flavor. For those of you feeding beef, fat is money. Well, a certain type of fat (intramuscular fat/marbling) is money because it increases your chance…