K-State Swine Profitability Conference set for Feb. 8
K-State Swine Profitability Conference set for Feb. 8
K-State Swine Profitability Conference set for Feb. 8
Cattle Chat: Body condition scoring mid-gestation (k-state.edu)
Women Managing the Farm plans annual conference Feb. 9-11 (k-state.edu)
How to Develop a Custom Calving Agreement | UNL Beef
Differences Between High-, Medium-, and Low-Profit Cow-Calf Producers: An Analysis of 2016-2020 Kansas Farm Management Association Cow-Calf Enterprise – A Review | UNL Beef
Winter Supplementation of Beef Calves – When Supplementation Doesn’t Pay | UNL Beef
Does Stockpiling Pay? | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter (osu.edu)
Proper placement and construction of windbreaks can pay off. by Kris Kohl, Iowa State University Extension Winter is coming fast and bringing with it snow and wind. Cattle and farmsteads both can benefit from properly placed windbreaks. There are two main windbreak functions on a farm: livestock windchill protection and snow windbreaks. We’ll discuss how to use each one to its greatest benefit. Livestock windchill protection windbreaks are built to be 20% open…
Body Condition Scoring of Cows (angusbeefbulletin.com)
Calving Ease Cows – Optimal or Extreme? | Beef Improvement Federation