The potential of cover crops to provide nitrogen in farm fields
Video: The potential of cover crops to provide nitrogen in farm fields (
Video: The potential of cover crops to provide nitrogen in farm fields (
Cattle Chat: Economic impact on beef demand from alternative protein sources (
Using Genomics Effectively Improves Carcass and Meat Quality | Beef Improvement Federation
USDA Announces More Resources to Increase and Expand Meat and Poultry Processing Capacity | USDA
K-State crop entomologist: Be on the lookout for alfalfa weevil
USDA Announces American Rescue Plan Technical Assistance Investment to Benefit Underserved Farmers, Ranchers and Forest Landowners | USDA
NCBA Welcomes Announcement on Japan – U.S. Trade Agreement
Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA
By Trisha Gedon STILLWATER, Okla. – Anyone interested in learning about rain barrels in the home landscape can do so at an upcoming Fundamentals for Rain Barrels presentation in April. “Rainwater harvesting is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly practice for consumers,” said Qing Luo, Oklahoma State University associate professor and OSU Extension landscape architecture specialist. “It’s a great way to conserve water, which can cut down on your utility bill. It also can help reduce the demand…
Video: Grazing cattle on cover crops in western Kansas (