The Cheapest Mineral Isn’t Really Cheap
Francis Fluharty - April 2022 (
Francis Fluharty - April 2022 (
Survey: Consumers’ interest in buying local beef grows (
Updates from the Ultrasound Guidelines Council | Beef Improvement Federation
Cattle Chat: Transitioning to grass (
By Alisa Boswell-Gore STILLWATER, Okla. – Oklahoma State University is responsible for the top eight hard red winter wheat varieties planted in Oklahoma this year, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture-National Statistics Service’s March report. Doublestop CL Plus is the number one wheat variety planted for the 2022 wheat crop in Oklahoma, with Gallagher in second place, followed by Green Hammer, a newer variety placing in the top three for the first time.…
How Much Copper Do You Need in Your Mineral? | UNL Beef
Horn Flies: Impact and Control Options for Pastured Cattle | UNL Beef
How Valu-Bull are Breeding Soundness Exams? | UNL Beef
What You Need to Know to be a Bottle Calf’s Mama | UNL Beef
By Gail Ellis STILLWATER, Okla. – Mushroom hunters will be out in full force during the next few weeks, and the most popular species on their radar is the morel. It’s the thrill of the chase for morel mushroom foragers, and locations are kept top secret. Stephen Marek, associate professor of entomology and plant pathology in the Oklahoma State University Ferguson College of Agriculture, specializes in fungal biology, and he said morels are one…