Cattle Chat: Developing a grazing plan
Cattle Chat: Developing a grazing plan (
Cattle Chat: Developing a grazing plan (
Drones helping farmers manage pastures (
America’s Farmers are Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions (
With gardening season preparation underway, three new websites have been developed that pertain to home landscapes and gardening, home lawn care and pond management. In addition, the Oklahoma Proven and Oklahoma Gardening websites have been completely updated, featuring beautiful color photos and the most up-to-date, research-based information. Home Landscape and Gardening This site features a Frequently Asked Questions section covering fruit, houseplants, ornamentals and trees, turfgrass and vegetables. David Hillock, OSU Extension consumer horticulturist,…
This May Be a Year to Think Early About Winter Hay Needs | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter (
Grass Tetany – A Complicated Disorder with An Easy Prevention | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter (
Forage Quality Targets Based on Animal Class | Agronomic Crops Network (
K-State releases price risk management series for cow-calf producers
USDA Accepts 2 Million Acres in Offers Through Conservation Reserve Program General Signup
By Trisha Gedon STILLWATER, Okla. – Gardeners know the challenges of selecting plants that will thrive in Oklahoma’s extreme growing conditions. Fortunately, the Oklahoma Proven plant program can assist with selection. “Oklahoma Proven is a plant promotion program to help guide gardeners toward appropriate garden selections that have been proven to grow well in Oklahoma’s diverse climate and soil types,” said David Hillock, Oklahoma State University Extension consumer horticulturist. “Each year, a tree, shrub, perennial and annual are selected.…