2022 K-State Beef Stocker Field Day scheduled for Sept. 29
22_BeefStockerDayBrochure.pdf (k-state.edu)
22_BeefStockerDayBrochure.pdf (k-state.edu)
Cattle Chat: K-State vets caution producers about stressed plants, pasture toxins
K-State Feed Safety Sampling Resources Website Updated
By Alisa Boswell-Gore STILLWATER, Okla. – Scientists in the Oklahoma State University Department of Animal and Food Sciences are working hard to stop the waste of billions of dollars of beef each year. The U.S. beef industry loses $3 billion annually to meat discoloration. When beef is brown on the surface, it is discounted in price, and extensive discoloration leads to people throwing nutritious food in the trash. Why does meat turn brown? Most people…
USDA Invests $14.5 Million in Taxpayer Education, Program Outreach Efforts for Farmers and Ranchers
Effective Strategies to Control Internal Parasites (angusbeefbulletin.com)
Vertically Integrated Beef Production Drives Genetic Progress | Beef Improvement Federation
Cattle Chat: Monitoring for summer pneumonia in calves (k-state.edu)
Video: Residue’s role in soil health (k-state.edu)
K-State launches effort to support growth of meat processors in Kansas