With Cow Efficiency #PhenotypeIsKing
With Cow Efficiency #PhenotypeIsKing – Beef Improvement Federation
With Cow Efficiency #PhenotypeIsKing – Beef Improvement Federation
Cattle Chat: Vaccination limits
The Critical Role of Longevity and Maternal Performance – Beef Improvement Federation
Buy or bale: Run these numbers to calculate hay costs | Oklahoma State University
Hold the Net Wrap and Twine | UNL Beef
Saying goodbye to metal bangs tags and hello to EID tags | UNL Beef
How Grazing Corn Residue Affects the Soil | UNL Beef
Leveraging Beef Genetics as a Climate-Smart Sustainability Practice – Beef Improvement Federation
Cattle Chat: Environmental influences on herd health (k-state.edu)
Video: How drones are helping farmers manage weeds (k-state.edu)