Oklahoma researchers studying new ways to clean water
Oklahoma researchers studying new ways to clean water | Oklahoma State University (okstate.edu)
Oklahoma researchers studying new ways to clean water | Oklahoma State University (okstate.edu)
A panel discussion about on-farm innovation at the young producer symposium was moderated by Sandy Russell, Canadian Beef Breeds Council chief executive officer, during the 2023 Beef Improvement Federation (BIF) Symposium July 3 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Charlotte Wasylik, Chatsworth Farms, discussed how Chatsworth Farms focuses on farm-to-table programs. They have local and city deliveries, on-farm pickup and consignment shops. Besides just selling products they also have farm programs including on-farm events, community…
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What is the Cost of a Cheap Mineral? | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter (osu.edu)
Fontes - October 2023 (uga.edu)
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