Checking Water from Afar

Aaron Berger, Nebraska Extension Beef Educator Being able to quickly identify if a problem is occurring with a water source gives producers the opportunity to respond rapidly to correct any issues. Photo cedit Troy Walz. For cattle producers who rely on wells in pastures and rangelands as a water source for their cattle, much time is spent checking water to make sure that windmills and submersible wells are delivering the water cattle need.  …

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Kansas Swine Classic moves online for 2020

Online entries are open and will be accepted through June 15 MANHATTAN, Kan. – The Kansas State University Department of Animal Sciences and Industry will host the 2020 Dr. Bob Hines Kansas Swine Classic online, including a showmanship contest, prospect and market hog shows, a skillathon and photo contest. The deadline to register is June 15 and can be found online at The fee is $20 per entry, with a maximum of…

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USDA Launches 2020 Feds Feed Families Nationwide Food Drive

New website makes it easier than ever to participate, measure donations, and share success stories (Washington, June 1, 2020) – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today kicked off the 11th annual government-wide Feds Feed Families (FFF) campaign, which encourages employees from all federal departments and agencies to give in-kind contributions -- food, services, and time -- to food banks and pantries. This year’s campaign highlights a summer of giving in June and…

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American Angus Association Launches Combined $Value Index

$C combines the two underlying breeding objectives that drive Angus’s maternal and terminal economic indices.   The American Angus Association® launched the new Combined Value ($C) on May 29, 2020. $C is an economic selection index that aims to characterize profitability differences across the entire chain by combining the two underlying breeding objectives that drive the American Angus Association’s maternal and terminal economic indices.  Expressed in dollars per head, $C includes all 15 traits involved in Maternal Weaned Calf Value ($M) and Beef Value…

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Bring the Heat from Home for the Certified Angus Beef ® at Home Contest

The highly acclaimed contest held traditionally at the National Junior Angus Show will be replaced with a virtual format for 2020. For the past 36 years, National Junior Angus Association (NJAA) members and their families have gathered at the National Junior Angus Show (NJAS) to test their culinary skills on the product that drives many of their livelihoods, Certified Angus Beef ® (CAB®). Due to COVID-19, this year’s contest will look a little…

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Precision Technology Systems in Alfalfa

Jason Hartschuh, OSU Extension Crawford County, AgNR Educator (previously published in Progressive Forage on-line) I was recently talking to one of my local farmers who uses precision agriculture to manage his corn and soybean crops. His combine, sprayer and planter are all connected to the cloud, and he uses the data from the last 10 years to manage next year’s crop. We were discussing ways to use the data he collects to better…

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Caring for bulls during the breeding season

K-State experts share tips on how to manage the bulls for optimum performance MANHATTAN, Kan. – Just as an athlete can experience an injury in competition, so too can a bull when he is turned out in a breeding pasture where his athleticism is going to be tested. “Bulls will be the busiest in the first month of the breeding season when there are a lot of females coming into heat (estrus),” said…

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“Managerial Tools and Tips in an Uncertain Climate and Market” webinar will be hosted on Zoom June 4.

MANHATTAN, Kan. – Registration is now open for a webinar that will help Kansas beef cattle producers make management decisions in light of the current weather patterns, ranging from flooding to drought, in Kansas and calf market volatility following COVID-19.   The webinar will be hosted by the Kansas State University Animal Sciences and Industry Department and K-State Research and Extension via Zoom on Thursday, June 4, 2020 at noon CDT. “This webinar…

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Kansas net farm income rose in 2019; government support again a big factor

KFMA data showed 9% net farm income increase from previous year MANHATTAN, Kan. – Kansas net farm income rose again in 2019, largely owing to government support payments meant to buffer the effect of trade disputes amid lackluster commodity prices, according to the annual summary by the Kansas Farm Management Association. Net farm income among KFMA members averaged $110,380 in 2019, up from $101,274 a year earlier and well above the five-year average…

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