Late-Term Reproductive Losses in Beef Cattle: Diagnosing the Cause

Russ Daly Professor, SDSU Extension Veterinarian, State Public Health Veterinarian Written collaboratively by Russ Daly and Taylor Grussing, former SDSU Extension Cow-Calf Field Specialist. Reproductive losses account for $1 billion in lost revenue to the beef industry each year. All the way from conception to birth, we depend on a lot of things to go right, whether we are talking about natural or artificial breeding programs. Nevertheless, reproductive failure whether presented as early…

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Biosecurity for Beef Cow-Calf Operations: Managing the Entry of New Animals

Russ Daly Professor, SDSU Extension Veterinarian, State Public Health Veterinarian Infectious disease can impact cow-calf operations in dramatic (death losses and illnesses) and not-so-dramatic (drains on weight gain and reproductive performance) ways. Some of these disease issues are caused by endemic germs (those found normally in a herd’s animals), while other problems arise after a novel germ has found its way onto an operation. These novel disease issues tend to be more noticeable…

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Cattle Chat: Cattle care in the cold

Providing extra hay and feed may be needed on extremely cold winter days to help cattle meet their energy requirements. | Download this photo. When temperatures plummet, cattle may need additional shelter and feed resources for optimum health MANHATTAN, Kan. — After working outside on a cold winter’s day, cattle producers know there is nothing quite like coming inside to a warm house and filling their stomachs with those favorite comfort foods. And though…

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Study: Consumers still favor beef as protein source

K-State researchers are reporting that beef is consumed three times more often than plant-based proteins in the U.S. Researchers compare consumption of beef to plant-based protein alternatives MANHATTAN, Kan. – Consumers who prefer beef over plant-based protein alternatives said they are willing to pay nearly two dollars more per meal for a burger when dining at a restaurant, according to a study from Kansas State University. But, the same study notes, those who…

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Study: White-tailed deer favor crops high in crude protein

White-tailed deer prefer plants high in crude protein and digestibility, according to a recent study. Outdoor enthusiasts get new clues on designing successful food plots MANHATTAN, Kan. – A study of plants preferred by white-tailed deer is providing important information to outdoor enthusiasts who design food plots to encourage hunting or viewing opportunities. Charlie Lee, who recently retired as the wildlife specialist for K-State Research and Extension, said the study from Mississippi State University indicates…

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Research hints at role for spring wheat in Kansas

Kansas farmers prefer to grow hard red winter wheat, but recent research indicates spring wheat could also have a role in the state's farm economy. Yields are low, but protein content high for spring wheat grown in state COLBY, Kan. – Ongoing research trials on growing spring wheat in Kansas continue to indicate that producers can expect reduced yields compared to the more popularly grown hard red winter varieties in the state. But…

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Extension Meat Specialist Offers Workshops to Tackle Meat Industry Labor Challenges

A hands-on opportunity to learn about food animal processing. When COVID-19 hit the US meat industry in early 2020, many disruptions quickly surfaced impacting our livestock and meat industries. As large-scale meat plants were in the process of slowing their operations, and in some cases even stopping, local meat processors were looked at to relieve the pressures brought forth by COVID-19. As local meat processors stepped up to fill these needs, significant stresses…

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Resource Kit Available for Those Exploring a Meat Processing Business

This “Tool Kit” is designed to be intuitive as entrepreneurs move through the business planning process. A team of Ohio State business and meat science specialists have compiled a Meat Processing Business Tool Kit for people who are exploring the meat processing business. Designed as a decision making aid for people exploring investing in or expanding a meat processing facility, this online tool kit can help entrepreneurs evaluate the business and navigate business planning. The…

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Hay Quality; What a difference a year makes, or does it?

Ted Wiseman, OSU Extension, Perry County (originally published in Farm and Dairy) We can certainly say this past year has had its challenges. However, quality of forages made in 2020 was much better for most compared to the previous two years.  Weather conditions were more favorable especially for first cutting. The late frost in May set our forages back and for many first cutting forage yields were extremely low. Second, third and four…

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The best beef tamales made in a fraction of the time with an Instant Pot. Follow this step-by-step recipe for an authentic Mexican dish your family will love. INGREDIENTS: 2 1/2 - 3 pounds Certified Angus Beef ® boneless chuck roast, cut into 2-inch cubes16 corn husks3 teaspoons adobo seasoning1 teaspoon canola oil4 dried guajillo chilies, seeded, stems removed and torn apart3 bay leaves1 cinnamon stick2 teaspoons coco powder2 teaspoons coffee2 teaspoons dried oregano1 teaspoon garlic…

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