Cattle Chat: Managing feed resources in the summer

K-State experts share tips for adjusting cattle diets to depleting pastures MANHATTAN, Kan. — As summer advances and the grazing pastures begin to mature and dry up, beef producers may need to look at alternative plans for meeting the maintenance requirements of the herd, according to the experts at the Kansas State University Beef Cattle Institute. Speaking on a recent Cattle Chat podcast, nutritionist Phillip Lancaster said that producers first need to calculate the…

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Summer pond maintenance saves on costly repairs

By Gail Ellis   STILLWATER, Okla. – The rainy spring season and hot, dry months of summer are ideal times for close inspection of cattle ponds, streams, creeks and spillways. Routine maintenance of these water sources can prevent costly repairs for landowners.  Marley Beem, an Oklahoma State University Extension specialist in the Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management, recommends monitoring pond dams and watersheds after spring overflow events to check for erosion.  “If overflows are clogged with floating debris, consult with…

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