By: Abbie Burnett Two million, four hundred and thirty-two thousand. That’s how many cattle it took to supply the 608 million pounds (lb.) of Certified Angus Beef® (CAB®) cuts sold by 3,000 retail partners in fiscal 2020. As the heavyweight champ in brand volume, retail accounts for 55% of total pounds sold. Brand sales have surpassed the supply of USDA Select beef because CAB retail licensees are partners in the mission, says David O’Diam, CAB…


Agriculture Makes Gains in Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions

New analysis of EPA data highlights agricultural emissions reductions and the importance of developing new research and technologies to capture more carbon in cropland and pastureland. The American Farm Bureau Federation’s latest Market Intel also reviews trends in U.S. carbon sequestration as climate-smart farming practices increase. The report reveals that U.S. carbon sinks offset 12% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions and sequestered 764 million metric tons during 2018. The largest carbon sink involved U.S. forestry…

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